
A Special Offer for Your Church from 1 Source Web

Your Church Website is More Important Than Ever!

  • Does your church have an online presence?
  • Is the site engaging and pleasing to the eye?
  • Is the truth presented clearly and effectively?
  • Do you believe a church website is within your budget?
  • Does your current website reflect the ministry God has entrusted to you in the best possible light?

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, we are confident we can help.  Please take a moment to watch this short video to learn more about us and check out the details of our offer below.  

What's Included?


Your website will be built using the world's easiest to use content management system. For you, that means you'll be able to manage your website with ease, especially after you watch our support videos.

Customized Theme

Most WordPress themes are not desnigned with churches in mind. Every theme we use is designes specifically for the church. We save you time and money by giving you the options you need.

Mobile Ready

We build all of our sites to be "responsive". That means you can rest assured that your church website will look good on ANY device including mobile phones, tablets and desktop monitors.

Premium Hosting

We use WordPress optimized servers to host all of our websites. Our servers are cloud-based, fully managed and lightening fast.

Expert Advice

1 Source Web is owned by a pastor who has served 16 years in small church ministry and has over 20 years of web development experience! We are uniquely positioned to understand the needs of the small church as well as what will work best for their online ministry.

Awesome Support

We provide every church with expert support through our training videos, blog and online meetings if necessary. When you have trouble, we respond FAST!

Still have questions?

We understand you may still have some questions about our offer. Please click on the button below to schedule a FREE call and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.  We look forward to hearing from you TODAY!