OSW Website Management Plan Terms
The OSW Management Plan is a month-to-month contract that allows One Source Web Development, LLC to provide ongoing services for your website. Ongoing maintenance of your website for backups, updates, licenses, support, security and any edits are crucial to your website’s success. Due to the nature of technology and content management systems, monitoring these aspects is a necessity.
Cancel any time– All Plans are month to month.
What does the OSW Website Management Plan cover?
Hosting – Your website will be hosted on One Source Web Development’s cloud servers so that it can be delivered to users across the world. Our servers are some of the fastest in the industry and have 99.9% uptime.
Security – Like any software, your website could be vulnerable to hackers and viruses. Our premium security platforms help protect your site against attacks that can infect and destroy your website.
Website & Database Backups – We include scheduled backups in all of our OSW Website Management Plans. These backups ensure that your content is secure, and you won’t lose a thing. As cool as technology is, it can sometimes be fickle. Should anything go wrong, we can have your site back up and running in minutes.
Software Updates – Most content management systems (CMS), especially open-sourced software like WordPress, are frequently updated for functionality and security. While these updates happen sporadically, One Source Web Development will download and install updates once a month (excluding crucial security updates, which will be installed as they become available). Updates will include any 3rd party plugins, software or applications.
Licenses – Your site likely uses 3rd party plugins that are licensed to One Source Web Development, LLC via a GPL license which allows us to use our license on your site. With OSW Care Plans, you can retain the use of our license to ensure all updates to any of our roster of plugins. If you choose to forgo the OSW Care Plan, the licenses for these plugins will be removed from your website but you will retain the functionality of the plugins up to the date the license was removed. You can acquire your own license for any of these plugins. For more information on what plugins you have and where they can be purchased, please email support@1sourceweb.com. It’s possible not ALL of your licenses will be covered under your maintenance plan. If One Source Web Development has purchased a license that is for your use only, we will inform you of what the renewal fees will be (otherwise assume we have it all covered!).
Analytics – OSW Website Management Plan members will receive access to a Google Analytics dashboard. Google Analytics allow you to track the usage of your website including visits, page views, demographics, traffic acquisition, and much more.
Maintenance – It is likely that as time goes by you will want to make changes to your website. One Source Web Development’s hourly rate to make changes is $75.00 per hour. OSW Care Plan members will receive a set amount of time allotted each month (This varies depending on the plan you choose). This time could be used for tasks like copy changes, edits to photographs, or any other website change that can be done in the allotted time specified in your plan. Any request that goes beyond the allotted time cap will be billed at a discounted hourly rate of $55 per hour.
What the OSW Care Plan does NOT cover.
- Any edit your page that requires more than the time allotted on your monthly plan. OSW Website Managment Plan members receive a discounted hourly rate of $55 per hour for any work that takes longer than the monthly allotted time in your particular plan.
- The OSW Website Management Plans do not include any graphic design. Any creation of ads, flyers, logos or graphics will be billed at our hourly rate of $75.00 per hour.
- The OSW Website Management Plans do not cover any social media management, directory listings (such as Google, Yahoo, Yelp, etc).
- Domain registration is not included in your OSW Website Management Plan. Domains are typically registered annually. We can handle that fee and registration for you, but you will be billed accordingly.
- Ongoing Search Engine Optimization monitoring and strategy.
- If your website hacked beyond the length of backups we have to restore a safe copy, we will work with you to find a company to remove any viruses—but we will not be held liable to any damages or responsible to pay for virus removal.
Payment Agreement
Your OSW Website Management Plan invoice will be automatically issued on the same day every month. The invoice is due upon receipt. After 15 days of non-payment you will receive a notice of past-due invoice. After 30 days your hosting account will be shut down and you will have an additional 30 days to ask for a backup of your site. In order to restore service you will have to get current on all bills, and setup automatic drafts for each month’s bill. After 90 days late payment you will no longer be eligible for the OSW Website Mangement Plan and we will not be required to provide you with a backup of your site. You can request a backup at any time.
Termination of Services
Your OSW Website Management Plan enrollment is a month-to-month agreement. In the event that you terminate services you will have two options:
- Request, in writing, a copy of your entire website backup so that you can store it safely. You will lose your hosting, security, plugin/software licenses, and your website will no longer receive any backups, updates, or monitoring from One Source Web Development. If at any point in the future you want to resume your OSW Website Management Plan, you will be quoted with our current rate(s) and you will be assessed a $75 activation fee to resume services.
- Request that One Source Web Development archive your project at $11 per month. This will take your website offline, but we will retain a backup copy and will waive any activation fee to resume services in the future.